Sunday, September 30, 2007

some old background stuff

Ummm... I'll try to put up NEW things soon... I hope.. ^_^;


Sunday, September 23, 2007

major old sketchbook dump!

I should of had a blog from before.. :P Here goes!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

old sketches

Here are some old sketches that were from my other sketch books...

There will be more old sketches to come if I find any funny ones from previous sketchbooks. :)


Thursday, September 20, 2007


so, I went to the mall the other day with a friend, and we stopped by the Apple store. I held the iphone in my hand... and... dear gawd...

Haha, this is more of a Japanese joke though. ^_^;

The problem is, I heard it's an AT&T plan only... and I don't know if I want to switch. But that thing is still amazing!

already A.D.D.-ing!

Here are some sketches from Comic-Con that I did while waiting in those long lines.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

no subject.

Yeeeeess yes Megumi finally caved and got a blog. Mainly because I got too frustrated with trying to figure out godaddy. It only gives me five pages for what I paid for? And there's so much gunk on each page, I get lost trying to find certain things, like how to edit my main page using baisc HMTL. That's all I needed!!! Argh. I don't recommend godaddy.

Anyways, I'm still going to look for a new host place, because I plan to use my web site as my main portfolio, and this blog for nothing but sketches, things that I wouldn't put on a portfolio.

So yes. I hope to udpate pretty frequently with random sketches from my sketchbook. Stay tuned. (^^)
